TY -的T1 -分析GWAS-linked位点在帕金森病重申PARK16易感性位点JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 508 LP - 512 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181eccfcd六世- 75 - 6盟E.-K。谭盟——H.-K。郭盟W.-T——开出谭盟。赵盟- K.M. Prakash AU - w l。盟盟- r . Pavanni Au - y y。Ng AU - w . Satake AU - y赵盟- t .户田拓夫AU - j j。刘Y1 - 2010/08/10 UR - http://n.neu首页rology.org/content/75/6/508.abstract N2 -目的:全基因组关联研究(GWAS)在日本人口确定2个新的帕金森病(PD)易感性位点1日问(PARK16)(613164年人类)和BST1。我们分析了单核苷酸多态性(snp)位于GWAS-linked位点(PARK16, PARK8、PARK1 BST1)在中国人口也在亚洲进行了一项荟萃分析池2从日本独立复制研究。方法:我们进行了一次分析与PD GWAS-linked相关的13个snp位点在两组病例对照组成的1349名中国主题。结果:PARK16、PARK8 PARK1位点但不是BST1被发现与帕金森病有关。 PARK16 SNPs were associated with a decreased risk while PARK1 and PARK8 SNPs were associated with an increased risk of PD. A pooled analysis of our Chinese cohorts and 2 Japanese replication cohorts involving 1,366 subjects with PD and 16,669 controls revealed robust association with these 3 loci and also BST1. There was a trend toward a stronger protective effect of SNPs at the PARK16 locus in sporadic PD compared to familial cases and in older compared to younger subjects. Conclusions: Our study reaffirms the role of GWAS-linked loci in PD in Asian subjects and the strength of association is similar between Chinese and Japanese subjects. Efforts to elucidate the associated gene within PARK16 locus are warranted. ER -