PT - AU - E.-K条》杂志上。谭盟——H.-K。郭盟W.-T——开出谭盟。赵盟- K.M. Prakash AU - w l。盟盟- r . Pavanni Au - y y。Ng AU - w . Satake AU - y赵盟- t .户田拓夫AU - j j。刘TI -分析GWAS-linked位点在帕金森病重申PARK16 - 10.1212 / WNL易感性位点援助。0 b013e3181eccfcd DP - 2010 8月10 TA -神经首页病学第六PG - 508 - 512 - 75 IP - 6 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2010 8月10;75 AB -目的:全基因组关联研究(GWAS)在日本人口确定2个新的帕金森病(PD)易感性位点1日问(PARK16)(613164年人类)和BST1。我们分析了单核苷酸多态性(snp)位于GWAS-linked位点(PARK16, PARK8、PARK1 BST1)在中国人口也在亚洲进行了一项荟萃分析池2从日本独立复制研究。 Methods: We conducted an analysis of 13 SNPs associated with PD GWAS-linked loci in 2 case-control cohorts comprised of 1,349 ethnic Chinese subjects. Results: PARK16, PARK8, and PARK1 loci but not BST1 were found to be associated with PD. PARK16 SNPs were associated with a decreased risk while PARK1 and PARK8 SNPs were associated with an increased risk of PD. A pooled analysis of our Chinese cohorts and 2 Japanese replication cohorts involving 1,366 subjects with PD and 16,669 controls revealed robust association with these 3 loci and also BST1. There was a trend toward a stronger protective effect of SNPs at the PARK16 locus in sporadic PD compared to familial cases and in older compared to younger subjects. Conclusions: Our study reaffirms the role of GWAS-linked loci in PD in Asian subjects and the strength of association is similar between Chinese and Japanese subjects. Efforts to elucidate the associated gene within PARK16 locus are warranted.