作者@article {Cho1139 = {K.-I。曹和H.-S。月亮和周宏儒。全和k .公园和D.-S。香港}、标题={自发颅内低血压},体积={76}={13},页面= {1139 - 1144}= {2011},doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0 b013e318212ab43} = {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:本研究的目的是评估功效和比较的结果目标和盲目的硬膜外血补丁(EBP)首页治疗自发性颅内低血压(硅)。方法:1999年1月至2009年12月,56岁的患者被诊断为硅收到目标或EBP视而不见。药效的针对性和盲目EBP评估基于症状缓解程度和持续时间和重复EBP的必要性。结果:56例(23男人和33个女人;平均年龄39.6岁; age range, 22{\textendash}69 years) were included in this study. Thirty-one patients received EBP that targeted CSF leak segments, and 25 received a blind EBP because primary CSF leak sites were not identified (19 patients via a lumbar epidural route, mainly the L 3{\textendash}4 level, regardless of primary CSF leak site, and 6 patients via upper thoracic epidural spaces, mainly the T4{\textendash}6 level). In the 31 patients who received a targeted EBP, 27 (87.1\%) exhibited clinical improvement after first administration. In contrast, 13 of the 25 patients (52\%) who received a blind EBP via a lumbar or upper thoracic epidural route achieved complete recovery. Targeted EBPs were more effective than blind EBPs for the treatment of SIH (p \< 0.05). Conclusions: EBPs targeting CSF leaks can be safely placed under fluoroscopic guidance in patients with SIH and are more likely to be effective than blindly placed EBPs.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/13/1139}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/13/1139.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }