作者@article {Oldenbeuving993 ={托Oldenbeuving和P.L.M. de Kort B.P.W. Jansen和a . Algra l·j·Kappelle和g .后撤}title ={谵妄在卒中后的急性期里},体积={76}={11},页面= {993 - 999}= {2011},doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0 b013e318210411f} = {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:前瞻性队列研究评估中风后谵妄的发生率。首页此外,风险因素在第一周进行评估。最后,结果与谵妄的发展进行了研究。方法:共有527名连续中风患者(平均年龄72年;范围内,29日{\ textendash} 96年)筛查谵妄在入院后的第一个星期。我们诊断精神错乱与混乱的评估方法。中风前认知功能评估与线人调查问卷在老年人认知衰退(IQCODE)。神经赤字与美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表评估。结果:共有62名中风患者(11.8 \ %)开发谵妄在入学的第一个星期。 Independent risk factors were preexisting cognitive decline (odds ratio [OR] for IQCODE above 50: 2.6, 95\% confidence interval [CI] 1.2{\textendash}5.7) and infection (OR 3.4, 95\% CI 1.7{\textendash}6.8). Furthermore, right-sided hemispheric stroke (OR 2.0, 95\% CI 1.0{\textendash}3.0), anterior circulation large-vessel stroke (OR 3.4, 95\% CI 1.1{\textendash}10.2), the highest tertile of the NIH Stroke Scale (OR for highest vs lowest tertile 15.1, 95\% CI 3.3{\textendash}69.0), and brain atrophy (OR for highest versus lowest tertile 2.7, 95\% CI 1.1{\textendash}6.8) increased the risk for delirium. Delirium was associated with a worse outcome in terms of duration of hospitalization, mortality, and functional outcome. Conclusions: Delirium occurs in almost 1 out of every 8 patients with stroke on a stroke unit and is associated with cognitive decline, infection, right-sided hemispheric stroke, anterior circulation large-vessel stroke, stroke severity, and brain atrophy. Delirium after stroke is associated with a worse outcome.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/11/993}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/11/993.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }