% 0期刊文章%一个以斯帖Brusse % Marjolein G.J. Brusse-Keizer %雨果·j·Duivenvoorden %约翰·c·范Swieten % T疲劳在脊髓小脑的共济失调% B病人自我评估的早期症状和禁用% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2011%。0 b013e31821043a4 % 首页J神经病学% P 953 - 959 X % V 76% N 11%目的:确定疲劳的发病率和严重程度和预测因素严重疲劳常染色体显性脊髓小脑的共济失调(SCA)。方法:我们研究了123例SCA的横截面。六个功能尺度被用于一个自我评估:疲劳严重程度量表(FSS);贝克抑郁量表(BDI);鹿特丹障碍量表(RHS);短Form-36健康调查,区分norm-based身心组件分数(Nb-PCS和Nb-MCS);匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI);和埃普沃思嗜睡量表(ESS)。58患者临床评估的一个子集,测量共济失调的严重程度量表评估和评级共济失调和认知功能的细微精神状态检查。结果:严重的疲劳(FSS≥5)出现在69%的病人和fs值与RHS得分,Nb-PCS, Nb-MCS, BDI, PSQI, ESS。 There was no relation with disease duration, gender, or medication use. Multivariate analysis revealed that Nb-PCS and BDI were the best independent predictors for severe fatigue. Interestingly, the presence of visual symptoms was related to FSS value in the clinically evaluated subgroup. Conclusion: Fatigue is a severe and disabling symptom in adult patients with SCA, even early in the course of disease. Physical functioning and depression are the strongest predictors of fatigue. In treatment strategies, all treatable factors for fatigue should be addressed, especially depression, visual symptoms, and sleeping disorders. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/76/11/953.full.pdf