TY - T1的内皮祖细胞与急性中风病灶体积和增长JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 2059 LP - 2062 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318200d741六世- 75 - 23 AU - t . Bogoslovsky盟- a·乔杜里AU - l .拉图盟- d很盟m .露比非盟- m . Spatz AU - j·弗兰克AU - s Warach Y1 - 2010/12/07 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/75/23/2059.abstra首页ct N2 -目标:循环内皮祖细胞(EPC)是血管损伤的标志,它们的数量减少急性中风。然而,EPC水平中风的严重程度的关系并没有被量化。核磁共振测量病灶体积提供一个客观的方法对中风严重性评估和预测结果。这个横断面研究的目的是确定是否与EPC病灶体积在基线,损伤增长,最终损伤体积。方法:17例(平均年龄63岁,NIH卒中量表评分7)选择从175年imaging-confirmed急性缺血性中风患者。EPC量化了流式细胞仪利用CD34, CD133和VEGFR2表面标记。脑部核磁共振进行基线和中风发作后天1和5。中风损伤卷被量化。diffusion-weighted图像结果:更大的损伤量测量(驾车)在基线与低EPC水平相关,而较小的损伤量,减少损伤增长与高水平的EPC子集(CD34 + CD133 +、CD133 + VEGFR2 +和CD34 + CD133 + VEGFR2 +)。 Similar results were observed with DWI lesion volumes and EPC (CD34+CD133+) on day 1. Lesion growth volume, represented as a difference between final lesion volume and baseline DWI, was larger in patients with lower day 1 EPC (CD133+VEGFR2+). After adjustments for age and admission glucose (model 1), mean arterial pressure and white blood cells (model 2), INR and hematocrit (model 3), the CD34+CD133+ subset remained predictive of baseline and day 1 lesion volumes, while CD133+VEGFR2+ predicted baseline lesion volume and growth of lesion volume. Conclusions: Higher EPC levels were indicative of smaller volumes of acute lesion, final lesion, and lesion growth, and may serve as markers of acute phase stroke severity. However, a larger prospective study is needed to confirm our findings. ER -