TY - T1的头部位置修改自发白天休息期间减少悲观的眼球震颤JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1928 LP - 1932 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181feb22f六世- 75 - 21 AU - r .明镜AU - r·卡拉AU - n沤麻AU - e·施耐德盟- d . Straumann盟- s马蒂AU - s Glasauer AU - t·勃兰特盟- m . Strupp Y1 - 2010/11/23 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/75/21/1928.abstract N2 -背景:悲首页观的眼球震颤的强度(DBN)减少白天当头部在直立位置。目的:这项前瞻性研究调查是否在不同头部位置休息(直立,仰卧位,容易)调节休息后DBN的强度。方法:患者眼球运动9 DBN由于小脑(n = 2)或病因不明(n = 7)与video-oculography记录。意味着慢相速度的DBN (SPV)测定在直立位置休息早上9点之后2小时(11点)和后4小时(下午1点)休息。全身休息期间职位直立,仰卧位或倾向。所有3休息位置的影响在每个病人分别评估3天。结果:在休息之前(9点),平均SPV范围从3.05°/ s到3.6°/ s的单独的天测量。休息在一个正直的位置后,平均SPV上午11点和下午1点是0.65°/秒,这是减少(p & lt;0.05)比在仰卧位休息后(2.1°/秒)或(2.22°/秒)的位置。 Conclusion: DBN measured during the daytime in an upright position becomes minimal after the patient has rested upright. The spontaneous decrease of DBN is less pronounced when patients lie down to rest. This indicates a modulation by otolithic input. We recommend that patients with DBN rest in an upright position during the daytime. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class II evidence that for patients with DBN 2 hours of rest in the upright position decreases nystagmus more than 2 hours of rest in the supine or prone positions (relative improvement 79% upright, 33% supine, and 38% prone: p < 0.05). ER -