作者@article {Spiegel1928 = {R。明镜r·卡拉和n .沤麻大肠施耐德和d Straumann s马蒂和美国Glasauer t·布兰德和m . Strupp}, title ={头位置休息期间修改自发白天减少悲观的眼球震颤},体积={75}={21},页面= {1928 - 1932}= {2010},doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0 b013e3181feb22f} = {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景:悲观的眼球震颤的强度(DBN)减少白天当头部在直立位置。首页目的:这项前瞻性研究调查是否在不同头部位置休息(直立,仰卧位,容易)调节休息后DBN的强度。方法:患者眼球运动9 DBN由于小脑(n = 2)或病因不明(n = 7)与video-oculography记录。意味着慢相速度的DBN (SPV)测定在直立位置休息早上9点之后2小时(11点)和后4小时(下午1点)休息。全身休息期间职位直立,仰卧位或倾向。所有3休息位置的影响在每个病人分别评估3天。结果:在休息之前(9点),平均SPV范围从3.05 {\ textdegree} / {\ textdegree} / 3.6年代的不同天的测量。休息在一个正直的位置后,平均SPV上午11点和下午1点是0.65 {\ textdegree} /秒,这是(\ p < 0.05)低于在仰卧位休息后(2.1 {\ textdegree} /秒)或(2.22 {\ textdegree} /秒)的位置。结论:DBN测量白天在一个直立的位置变得最小病人休息正直。 The spontaneous decrease of DBN is less pronounced when patients lie down to rest. This indicates a modulation by otolithic input. We recommend that patients with DBN rest in an upright position during the daytime. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class II evidence that for patients with DBN 2 hours of rest in the upright position decreases nystagmus more than 2 hours of rest in the supine or prone positions (relative improvement 79\% upright, 33\% supine, and 38\% prone: p \< 0.05).}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/75/21/1928}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/75/21/1928.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }