TY - 10月摩根富林明的T1 -反射神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1393 LP - 首页1395 - 10.1212 / WNL。0 b013e3181f73627六世- 75 - 15盟Steven p . Ringel Y1 - 2010/10/12 UR - http://n.neurolog首页y.org/content/75/15/1393.abstract N2 -几秒钟才意识到电话响了,我不是在做梦。“医生,这是朱莉。对不起唤醒你以为你想知道。凯尔就死了。“凯尔的死亡并不是unexpected-he与呼吸道肌肉发达的肌肉萎缩症失败。当我搜索词来安慰朱莉,我自己深刻的悲伤令我震惊。医生提醒维护专业距离患者和他们的家庭,但我的悠久历史与凯尔和朱莉让我打破规则。我意识到我知道凯尔我大部分的职业生涯。我们连接不时在我职业生涯的许多重要章节我帮他在一个又一个障碍。 Although he struggled to breathe, he refused a ventilator. Despite growing weaker, he viewed each loss of a function as a hurdle to overcome—“It's no different than repairing an old car, Doc; just keep me running.” I thought of many parallels in the way we approached life. While mine don't compare with his, we both faced inevitable disappointments, losses, and the need to adapt to new circumstances as optimists—people who saw life as a glass of water “half full”—not “half empty.” My mind drifted back 35 years when I first met Kyle. Like many other economically disadvantaged recruits who lacked formal education and vocational skills, Kyle was attracted to the glamorous portrayals of a military career. A high school dropout, at age 17 he had married Julie, who was pregnant with Rachel. Unemployed and with limited skills, the local Army recruiter's training opportunities and monetary incentives were tempting. He loved to repair cars and wanted to be in the Army's transportation pool. To save money, Julie and Rachel moved in with her parents in Greeley, Colorado. Kyle headed off to basic training … ER -