TY - T1的帕金森病的流行病学城市加尔各答,印度摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1362 LP - 1369 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181f735a7六世- 75 - 15盟盟”栏目Das - A.K. Misra盟B.K.雷盟- a . Hazra盟表示抗议Ghosal盟——a·乔杜里AU - t·罗伊盟T.K. Banerjee AU -位Raut Y1 - 2010/10/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/75/15/1362.abstract N2 -目的:没有精首页心设计的纵向研究帕金森病(PD)在印度。因此,我们计划确定患病率,发病率、死亡率和PD的城市加尔各答,印度,通过上门分层随机抽样调查。方法:本研究是2003年到2007年之间进行的验证问卷由一个团队组成的4训练现场工人3阶段。实地工作者筛选的情况下,后来证实了专家医生。在第三阶段,运动障碍专家进行了家访,审查所有幸存的情况下从去年1年后筛选。通过死因推断死亡的信息收集。一个嵌套病例对照研究(1:3)也进行确定假定的风险因素。利率是世界标准人口年龄调整。筛选结果:总人口100802。 The age-adjusted prevalence rate (PR) and average annual incidence rate were 52.85/100,000 and 5.71/100,000 per year, respectively. The slum population showed significantly decreased PR with age compared with the nonslum population. The adjusted average annual mortality rate was 2.89/100,000 per year. The relative risk of death was 8.98. The case-control study showed that tobacco chewing protected and hypertension increased PD occurrence. Conclusion: This study documented lower prevalence and incidence of PD as compared with Caucasian and a few Oriental populations. The mortality rates were comparable. The decreased age-specific PR among slum populations and higher relative risk of death need further probing. ER -