TY - T1的认知的影响与健康的志愿者JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 755 LP - 761 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181d25b34六世- 74 - 9 AU -马丁Salinsky AU -丹尼尔Storzbach AU -索尼娅·穆尼奥斯Y1 - 2010/03/02 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/conten首页t/74/9/755.abstract N2 -背景:抗癫痫药物(aed)可以与神经毒性副作用包括认知功能障碍相关,相当重要的一个问题考虑到平时长期的疗程。普瑞巴林是一个相对较新的AED广泛用于治疗癫痫和某些类型的慢性疼痛包括纤维肌痛。我们测量的认知影响12周的普瑞巴林在健康志愿者。方法:32名健康的志愿者被随机双盲平行研究获得普加巴林或安慰剂(1:1)。普瑞巴林在8周滴定至600毫克/天。在基线和治疗12周后,所有的受试者都接受认知测试。两次试验法的变化在所有认知和主观措施Z得分两次试验法的回归之前由90名健康志愿者。安慰剂,普瑞巴林团体的Z分数比较使用Wilcoxon测试。结果:30(94%)完成了研究的课题。 Three of 6 target cognitive measures (Digit Symbol, Stroop, Controlled Oral Word Association) revealed significant test-retest differences between the pregabalin and placebo groups, all showing negative effects with pregabalin (p < 0.05). These cognitive effects were paralleled by complaints on the Portland Neurotoxicity Scale, a subjective measure of neurotoxicity (p < 0.01). Conclusion: At conventional doses and titration, pregabalin induced mild negative cognitive effects and neurotoxicity complaints in healthy volunteers. These effects are one factor to be considered in the selection and monitoring of chronic AED therapy. Class of Evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that pregabalin 300 mg BID negatively impacts cognition on some tasks in healthy volunteers. AED=antiepileptic drug; CI=confidence interval; CLTR=Consistent Long-Term Retrieval; COWAT=Controlled Oral Word Association; GBP=gabapentin; OHSU=Oregon Health & Science University; PGB=pregabalin; PNS=Portland Neurotoxicity Scale; POMS=Profile of Mood States; RT=reaction time; TLTS=Total Long-Term Storage; TREC=Total Recall; WAIS-R=Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Revised. ER -