% 0期刊文章%一个R·k·辛格% s . Stephens % m . m . Berl % T . Chang % % l·g·k·布朗Vezina % w•D•盖拉德% T前瞻性研究最近诊断为癫痫发作表现为癫痫持续状态的童年% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2010%。0 b013e3181d0cca2 % 首页J神经病学% P 636 - 642 X % V 74% N 8%目的:描述最近诊断为癫痫患儿表现为三级儿童医院癫痫持续状态。方法:综述了前瞻性收集的数据从一个数据库来源于一个强制性的急救护理路径。共有1382名患者出现2001年和2007年之间最近诊断为癫痫。结果:共有144例癫痫持续状态。平均年龄为3.4岁。大多数癫痫发作(72%)持续了21至60分钟。大多数患者没有明显过去病史;有癫痫家族史的四分之一。5个(4%)患者脑电图有电记录的癫痫在研究过程中,捕获只有长期监测。最常见的病因是高热惊厥,紧随其后的是不明原因引起的。 The most common acute symptomatic cause was CNS infection; the most common remote symptomatic cause was cerebral dysgenesis. Combined CT and MRI provided a diagnosis in 30%. CT was helpful in identifying acute vascular lesions and acute edema, whereas MRI was superior in identifying subtle abnormalities and remote symptomatic etiologies such as dysplasia and mesial temporal sclerosis. Conclusions: Children who present in status epilepticus that is not a prolonged febrile convulsion should undergo neuroimaging in the initial evaluation. For any child who presents in status epilepticus and has not yet returned to baseline, the possibility of nonconvulsive status epilepticus should be considered. Although CT is often more widely accepted, especially in the urgent setting, strong consideration for MRI should be given when available, due to the superior yield. CSE=convulsive status epilepticus; HCT=head CT; NCSE=nonconvulsive status epilepticus; SE=status epilepticus. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/74/8/636.full.pdf