% 0期刊文章% A . Labate % A . Gambardella % u Aguglia % f . Condino % p·文图拉% p . Lanza % A•夸特隆% T颞叶脑MRI异常在健康志愿者% B前瞻性病例对照研究% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2010%。0 b013e3181cff747 % 首页J神经病学% P 553 - 557 X % V 74% N 7%目的:前瞻性评估mesiotemporal异常的频率出现在健康受试者的脑部MRI与颞叶癫痫患者相比(框架)。方法:连续九十九例(48岁女性,平均年龄为36.1±16.1年;框架范围10 - 75)和51个健康志愿者(26岁女性,平均年龄为39.3±10.8年)前瞻性接受相同的核磁共振成像协议,具体框架。综述了图像由2自主神经放射盲的临床信息。皮质萎缩和信号强度的杏仁核,海马,扣带回,胼肢体区、岛叶、颞顶叶和枕叶分级相对于额叶皮层信号强度。Intrarater和评分者间信度评估。结果:评分者间信和intrarater测量显示一致的和可重复的结果。99名(47.5%)患者的47个显示单边或双边重大T2 / fluid-attenuated反转恢复hyperintensities海马体,19例(19.2%)显示,海马萎缩在T1 /反转恢复序列。控制,15/51(29.4%)的人有单边或双边hyperintensities没有不同于发病的患者(p = 0.08)。相反,单侧海马萎缩1中发现了控制,这是明显不同(p = 0.005)从发病的病人。 Hyperintensity plus structural hippocampal atrophy were only seen in patients. Conclusions: On brain MRI, either unilateral or bilateral hippocampal hyperintensities are frequently encountered in healthy volunteers. Conversely, hippocampal atrophy, especially when associated with concomitant hyperintensity, was seen exclusively in the epilepsy group, indicating that the combination of these 2 variables represents the strongest and most reliable indicator of epilepsy. FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; HS=hippocampal sclerosis; IR=inversion recovery; TLE=temporal lobe epilepsy. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/74/7/553.full.pdf