RT期刊文章SR电子T1径向扩散系数在偏远的视神经炎歧视视觉结果摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 1702 OP 1710 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181e0434d VO 74是21 R.T. A1奈史密斯A1 j .徐A1台币Tutlam A1 K。Trinkaus A1 A.H.交叉A1研究。首年2010 UL http://n.neurol首页ogy.org/content/74/21/1702.abstract AB目的:扩散张量成像(DTI)量化布朗运动组织内的水。本研究的目的是为了测试是否在一个偏远的视神经炎(上),破裂的髓鞘和轴突内视神经可以通过改变DTI检测参数,以及这些改变是否与视力丧失。史的方法:七十例≥6个月前接受了DTI的视神经视觉≤(VA)的评估和对比敏感度(CS)和实验室测量的视觉诱发电位)和(光学相干断层扫描(OCT)。结果:径向扩散系数与视力(RD)相关(r =−0.61), Pelli-Robson CS (r =−0.60), 5% c (r = 0.61), 10月(r =−0.78),延迟(r = 0.61),和VEP振幅(r =−0.46)。RD分化影响的神经受影响的神经在所有视觉结果类。RD还歧视从轻度视觉障碍神经恢复正常,从深刻的视力丧失和轻度的认知障碍。RD分化健康对照组来自临床影响神经和未受影响的神经后。CS结果RD区分所有类别的5%,所有类别的Pelli-Robson CS除了正常的复苏温和的影响。 Conclusions: Increased optic nerve radial diffusivity (RD) detected by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was associated with a proportional decline in vision after optic neuritis. RD can differentiate healthy control nerves from both affected and unaffected fellow nerves. RD can discriminate among categories of visual recovery within affected eyes. Optic nerve injury as assessed by DTI was corroborated by both optical coherence tomography and visual evoked potentials. 5%CS=5% contrast sensitivity; CI=confidence interval; CIS=clinically isolated syndrome; CS=contrast sensitivity; DTI=diffusion tensor imaging; FA=fractional anisotropy; MR=magnetic resonance; MS=multiple sclerosis; NMO=neuromyelitis optica; OCT=optical coherence tomography; ON=optic neuritis; PR=Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity; RD=radial diffusivity; RNFL=retinal nerve fiber layer; ROI=region of interest; VA=visual acuity; VEP=visual evoked potential.