PT -期刊文章AU - l .车辙AU - j . Drenthen AU -公元前雅各布斯盟P.A.范·多尔恩ED - TI -区分急性发作时CIDP - 10.1212 / WNL波动格林-巴利综合征的援助。0 b013e3181e07d14 DP - 2010年5月25日TA -神经首页病学第六PG - 1680 - 1686 - 74 IP - 21 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2010 5月25日;74 AB -目的:研究的目的是提供标准,可以帮助区分GBS-TRF和A-CIDP在疾病的早期阶段。背景:格林-巴利综合征(GBS)之间的区别与波动后不久开始治疗(治疗相关的波动,或GBS-TRF)和慢性炎性脱髓鞘多神经病急性发作(A-CIDP)是困难的但很重要的,因为预后和治疗策略在很大程度上是不同的。方法:GBS患者(n = 170)包含在一个前瞻性纵向研究。GBS-TRF (n = 16)患者和患者A-CIDP (n = 8)进行了分析和比较。扩展的临床数据,生物材料,随访1年和电生理学的数据收集。结果:第一个扶轮基金会GBS-TRF组总是发生在8周内(平均18天;范围10-54天)从发病的弱点。GBS-TRF组5例(31%)患者第二个扶轮基金会和没有更多的扶轮基金会。 At all timepoints, patients in the A-CIDP group were less severely affected than patients with GBS-TRF, did not need artificial ventilation, rarely had cranial nerve dysfunction, and tended to have more CIDP-like electrophysiologic abnormalities. More GBS-TRF patients were severely affected and more patients had sensory disturbances when compared to the GBS group without fluctuations. Conclusions: The diagnosis of acute-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) should be considered when a patient thought to have Guillain-Barré syndrome deteriorates again after 8 weeks from onset or when deterioration occurs 3 times or more. Especially when the patient remains able to walk independently and has no cranial nerve dysfunction or electrophysiologic features likely to be compatible with CIDP, maintenance treatment for CIDP should be considered. A-CIDP=acute-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CI=confidence interval; CIDP=chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; dCMAP=distal compound muscle action potential; DML=distal motor latency; GBS=Guillain-Barré syndrome; GBS-TRF=Guillain-Barré syndrome with treatment-related fluctuations; GRAPH=GBS Research about Pain and Heterogeneity study; IgG=immunoglobulin G; IgM=immunoglobulin M; IVIg=IV immunoglobulin; MFS=Miller Fisher syndrome; mNCV=motor nerve conduction velocity; MP=methylprednisolone; pCMAP=proximal compound muscle action potential; SIDP=subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; SNAP=sensory nerve action potential; sNCV=sensory nerve conduction velocity; TRF=treatment-related fluctuation.