TY - T1的新兴多发性硬化症口服疗法摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - S47 LP - - 10.1212 / W首页NL S53做。0 b013e3181c97f89六世- 74 - 1补充1 AU - Kottil w . Rammohan盟詹妮弗鞋匠Y1 - 2010/01/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/74/1_Suppl首页ement_1/S47.abstract N2 -目前,患有多发性硬化症(MS)、慢性中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病,必须注射药物提供适度的缓解他们的症状。5可用口服疗法被评估在II期和III期临床试验。如果这些疗法被证明是安全的,口头的化合物可以改善病人的认可和遵从性。Fingolimod,一种新型免疫抑制剂,显著降低年复发率II期和III期试验。Laquinimod免疫调制剂,减少活动病变在最高剂量的累积数量测试(0.6 mg / d)在第二阶段试验。Cladribine, another immunomodulator, reduced annual relapse rates by >50% and gadolinium-positive lesions by >70% at both doses tested in a phase III trial. Oral fumarate, with immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, also lowered the number of lesions in a phase II trial. Finally, teriflunomide, an immunomodulator, significantly reduced MRI lesion activity and reduced annual relapse rates in a phase II trial. In this report, we weigh the beneficial outcomes of these compounds against their risks of adverse effects. ARR=annual relapse rate; EAE=experimental allergic encephalitis; EDSS=Expanded Disability Status Scale; FDA=Food and Drug Administration; IFN=interferon; MS=multiple sclerosis; MSFC=MS Functional Composite; Nrf2=nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2; RRMS=relapsing-remitting MS; SC=subcutaneously; S1P=sphingosine-1-phosphate. ER -