TY -的T1 -测量治疗干预的影响摩根富林明-神经学乔-神经病学SP - S1 LP - S2 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3181dbb3cf六世- 74 - 17补充3盟Richard a . Rudick Y1 - 2010/04/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/cont首页ent/74/17_Supplement_3/S1.abstract N2 - DMT =疾病修饰治疗;eds =扩大残疾状态量表;HRQoL =健康相关的生活质量;女士=多发性硬化症;所有=多发性硬化功能复合材料。1981年,113年后让马丁夏科的最初对多发性硬化(MS)的描述,一个国际研讨会被认为是有效治疗调查人员在发展中面临的挑战MS.1许多神经学家的车间觉得障碍太大,开发有效的治疗方法需要一个基本的理解疾病的病因。突出障碍中有disease-both的可变性之间和内部均测量困难的疾病。事后看来,1981年的车间是一个分水岭。只有29年,从那以后,已经有显著进步女士在测量和治疗患者现在早诊断和更大的准确性随着磁共振成像和诊断标准的包容。2此外,有热烈讨论疾病最好的方法测量。 Are traditional measures optimal? Does a treatment effect on relapses translate into a meaningful long-term therapeutic response for the patient? Does the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) optimally measure MS-related disability? Does a therapeutic effect on the EDSS during the relapsing-remitting stage of MS mean there will be a reduction in irreversible disability? Is the EDSS optimal for developing therapies for the progressive stages of MS? Are there more precise and responsive measures of disability that could supplant the EDSS, such as the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFC)? What about patient-reported outcomes that more meaningfully reflect the impact of the disease on the patient? Answers will emerge as nontraditional measures are included in clinical studies. What about measures of neuropsychological function, fatigue, and measures of bowel, bladder, and sexual function? What is the economic effect of treatment? … ER -