PT -期刊文章盟德·d·奥·钱皮安德拉德C.L.罗德里格斯盟盟- - r·亚伯拉罕盟L.H.M.卡斯特罗AU - j Livramento AU - L.R. Machado AU -林祖嘉雷特盟p Caramelli TI -认知障碍和痴呆的脑囊尾蚴病援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0 b013e3181d9eda6 DP - 2010年4月20日TA -神经首页病学第六PG - 1288 - 1295 - 74 IP - 16 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2010 4月20;74 AB -目的:脑囊尾蚴病(NCYST)是中枢神经系统最常见的寄生虫病在世界范围内,影响超过5000万人。然而,它的一些临床发现,如认知障碍和痴呆,仍然没有得到很好的特点,没有控制的研究。我们调查了频率和认知障碍的临床资料和痴呆患者的样本NCYST与认知健康对照组相比(HC)和隐原性癫痫患者(CE)。方法:40 NCYST首次治疗患者,39.25±10.50岁和满足绝对明确的标准积极NCYST磁共振成像,是提交给一个全面的认知和功能评价和比较与49个HC患者和28 CE相似的年龄,教育程度,发作频率。结果:患者NCYST显示重要的执行功能障碍,语言和非语言记忆、建设性的实践,和语言流畅与HC相比(p & lt;0.05)。痴呆患者中,12.5%被诊断NCYST根据dsm - iv标准。与CE患者相比,患者NCYST提出改变工作和情景性文字记忆,执行功能,命名,语言流畅、建设性的实践,和视觉空间取向。之间没有相关性出现认知得分和号码,NCYST病变的MRI定位或类型。 Conclusions: Cognitive impairment was ubiquitous in this sample of patients with active neurocysticercosis (NCYST). Antiepileptic drug use and seizure frequency could not account for these features. Dementia was present in a significant proportion of patients. These data broaden our knowledge on the clinical presentations of NCYST and its impact in world public health. AED=antiepileptic drug; BCSB=Brief Cognitive Screening Battery; BNT=Boston Naming Test; CDT=clock-drawing test; CE=cryptogenic epilepsy; CERAD=Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease; CF=category fluency tests; CI=confidence interval; CIND=cognitive impairment–no dementia; CP=constructive praxis; DSB=digit-span backward; DSF=digit-span forward; DSM-IV=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition; HC=healthy controls; NCYST=neurocysticercosis; PFAQ=Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire; SCIT=Stroop Color-Interference Test; TMT-A=Trail-Making Test A; TMT-B=Trail-Making Test B; VMT=Verbal Memory Test.