PT -期刊文章盟- m·a·阿鲁达盟诉Guidetti AU - f·加利盟- r . C.A.P.阿尔伯克基盟- m . e . Bigal TI -经常性头痛在青春期前的儿童人口援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0 b013e3181d561a2 DP - 2010年3月16日TA -神经首页病学第六PG - 903 - 908 - 74 IP - 11 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2010 3月16日;74 AB -目的:评估慢性每日头痛的流行(CDH)和高频阵发性头痛(HFEH)在青春期前的孩子。背景:早发性神经疾病常常反映出生物易感性增加的情况下,具体的风险因素,或两者兼而有之。方法:2173名儿童被确定为目标样本,得到了同意从1870年(86.0%),和可分析的数据提供的1547 (71.2%)。父母和孩子使用包含97个问题的问卷调查,访谈,验证头痛模块(10)的问题。原油和调整数据大相径庭的HFEH(每月10 - 14天头痛)和鼎晖(每月15或更头痛天)计算。结果:鼎晖的患病率为1.68%(男孩为2.09%,女孩为1.33%)。HFEH的总患病率为2.52%(男孩为2.8%,女孩为2.3%)。在调整了性别、年龄、父母头痛史,收入,和学校的起源、鼎晖的患病率在女孩比男孩高(2.2%比1.1%,p & lt; 0.01) and in nonwhite vs white children (2.2% vs 1.2%, p < 0.01). Similar differences were seen for HFEH (girls 3.1%, boys 2.0%, p < 0.01), (nonwhite 3.1%, white 1.9%, p < 0.01). Income significantly contributed to the model. Conclusion: High-frequency episodic headaches and chronic daily headaches are common in the preadolescent pediatric population. Health care providers and educators should be aware of the magnitude of the problem to properly identify and treat children with headaches. CDH=chronic daily headaches; HFEH=high-frequency episodic headaches; IFEH=intermediate-frequency episodic headaches; LFEH=low-frequency episodic headaches.