% 0期刊文章% A·施拉格%一个r·吉尔伯特% g . Giovannoni % m·m·罗伯逊% c·梅特卡夫%一个y Ben-Shlomo % T链球菌感染,妥瑞症,强迫症% B有联系吗?% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2009%。0 b013e3181bd10fd % 首页J神经病学% P 1256 - 1263 V % 73% 16% N X背景:常见的链球菌感染的因果关系和儿童神经精神疾病已被提出。目的:测试假说增加率的链球菌感染前神经精神疾病的发病。方法:病例对照研究的初级保健的数据库比较可能的链球菌感染患者2-25岁强迫症(OCD),图雷特综合症(TS)和抽搐,在控制与年龄,性别,和实践每例(20)。我们还研究了社会人口因素的影响。结果:之前没有整体的风险增加可能的链球菌感染患者诊断为强迫症,TS,或抽搐。亚组分析显示,强迫症患者有一个稍高的风险比控制有可能的链球菌感染没有处方的抗生素强迫症的发病前2年(优势比为2.59,95%置信区间1.18,5.69;p = 0.02)。例TS或抽搐并没有更可能来自更富裕或城市地区,但更多情况下住在的地区更大比例的白人人口趋势(p值= 0.05)。 Conclusions: The present study does not support a strong relationship between streptococcal infections and neuropsychiatric syndromes such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette syndrome. However, it is possible that a weak association (or a stronger association in a small susceptible subpopulation) was not detected due to nondifferential misclassification of exposure and limited statistical power. The data are consistent with previous reports of greater rates of diagnosis of Tourette syndrome or tics in white populations. CI=confidence interval; GP=general practice; OCD=obsessive-compulsive disorder; OR=odds ratio; PANDAS=pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections; SI=streptococcal infection; TS=Tourette syndrome. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/73/16/1256.full.pdf