PT -期刊文章盟Werner Poewe TI -治疗帕金森disease-past成就和当前临床- 10.1212 / WNL需要援助。0 b013e31819908ce DP - 2009年2月17日TA -神经首页病学PG - S65车型S73 VI - 72 IP - 7补充2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2009 2月17日;72 AB -尽管特发性帕金森病(PD)是唯一的神经退行性疾病有非常有效的对症治疗,仍有重大的未满足的需求对它的长期管理。尽管左旋多巴继续作为功效的黄金标准,其长期使用与潜在禁用电机相关的并发症。目前的证据表明,这些相关的管理模式,即多个口服剂量的左旋多巴产生脉动的刺激纹状体多巴胺受体。当前的多巴胺受体激动剂,生产更多的等离子体水平不变,无法与左旋多巴的疗效。策略治疗levodopa-related电动机只有部分有效,并发症很少废除运动波动或运动困难。目前最好的结果通过侵入性策略通过皮下(南)或intraduodenal交付阿朴吗啡或左旋多巴,或脑深部电刺激丘脑核。另一个主要领域尚未被满足的医疗需求与nondopaminergic和nonmotor帕金森病的症状。针对发射机系统以外的多巴胺系统是一个有趣的方法,对电机和nonmotor PD的问题。 So far, clinical trial evidence regarding 5-HT agonists, glutamate antagonists, adenosine A2 antagonists and α-adrenergic receptor antagonists, has been inconsistent, but trials with cholinesterase inhibitors and atypical antipsychotics to treat dementia and psychosis, have been successful. However, the ultimate goal of PD medical management is modifying disease progression, thereby delaying the evolution of motor and nonmotor complications of advanced disease. As understanding of preclinical markers for PD develops, there is new hope for neuropreventive strategies to target “at risk” populations before clinical onset of disease.