RT期刊文章SR电子T1没有Aβ的优势42降低非甾体抗炎药对预防老年痴呆症在六个池队列研究摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 2291 OP 2298做wnl.0首页000313933.17796 10.1212/01.。f6 VO 70是24 A1 c A Szekely A1 r . c .绿色A1 J.C.S. Breitner A1 tØstbye A1。美国Beiser A1 m . m . Corrada A1 h·h·道奇A1 m . Ganguli A1 c . h .川A1 l·h·库A1 b . m . Psaty A1 s . m . Resnick A1 p . A .狼A1。b . Zonderman A1 K。a Welsh-Bohmer A1 p p Zandi年2008 UL http://n.neurol首页ogy.org/content/70/24/2291.abstract AB简介:观测研究表明降低老年痴呆症的发病率(广告)的用户非甾体类抗炎药(非甾体抗炎药)。一种假说认为,非甾体抗炎药的子集被称为选择性Aβ42-lowering代理(萨拉斯)负责这个明显减少广告风险。方法:我们集中个体层面的数据从六个前瞻性研究来获得足够的样本来检查广告的用户风险萨拉vs non-SALA非甾体类抗炎药。结果:13499年最初dementia-free参与者(70863组),820年开发的广告。非甾体抗炎药(29.6%)的用户显示降低广告的风险(风险比调整(aHR) 0.77, 95% CI 0.65 - -0.91)。萨拉斯的点估计相似(aHR 0.87,可信区间0.72 - -1.04)和non-SALAs (aHR 0.75,可信区间0.56 - -1.01)。因为573服用非甾体消炎药(14.5%)报道萨拉和non-SALA,我们检查了他们的使用单独和组合。 Resulting aHRs were 0.82 (CI 0.67–0.99) for SALA only, 0.60 (CI 0.40–0.90) for non-SALA only, and 0.87 (CI 0.57–1.33) for both NSAIDs (Wald test for differences, p = 0.32). The 40.7% of participants who used aspirin also showed reduced risk of AD, even when they used no other NSAIDs (aHR 0.78, CI 0.66–0.92). By contrast, there was no association with use of acetaminophen (aHR 0.93, CI 0.76–1.13). Conclusions: In this pooled dataset, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use reduced the risk of Alzheimer dementia (AD). However, there was no apparent advantage in AD risk reduction for the subset of NSAIDs shown to selectively lower Aβ42, suggesting that all conventional NSAIDs including aspirin have a similar protective effect in humans. AD=Alzheimer dementia; aHR=adjusted hazard ratio; BLSA=Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; CCS=Cache County Study; CHS=Cardiovascular Health Study; COX=cyclooxygenases; CSHA=Canadian Study of Health and Aging; FHS=Framingham Heart Study; IRB=institutional review board; MoVIES=Monongahela Valley Independent Elders Study; NSAID=nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OTC=over-the-counter; SALA=selective Aβ42-lowering agent.