TY -的T1 -日历JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 首页2090 LP - 2091做wnl.0000319650.81822 10.1212/01.。ff六世- 70 - 22 A2, Y1 - 2008/05/27 UR - http://n.neurolog首页y.org/content/70/22/2090.abstract N2 -可能28-31第三届国际会议的意大利神经头痛研究协会(ANIRCEF)将举行Diodoro酒店在陶尔米纳,意大利:电话号码06 6861549;传真06 68392125;info@evacommunication.it;info@anircef.it;www.anircef.it。5月30日头痛研讨会将在克利夫兰诊所短打礼堂举行,克利夫兰哦。玛莎托宾:电话(216)445 - 3449或(800)223 - 2273,分机53449;tobinm@ccf.org。6月6日Mellen中心区域研讨会多发性硬化症在洲际酒店举行, Bank of America Conference Center, Cleveland, OH. Martha Tobin: tel (216) 445-3449 or (800) 223-2273, ext 53449; tobinm@ccf.org. JUN. 7–11 The 18th Meeting of the European Neurological Society will be held in Nice, France: www.ensinfo.com. JUN. 9–11 The 3rd GEOPD meeting, Genetic epidemiology of Parkinson’s disease, will be held in Trondheim, Norway. Jan O. Aasly, MD: Jan.Aasly@ntnu.no; heep://www.geopdmeeting2008.no. JUN. 14–16 The Tiantan International Stroke Conference and UT Southwestern-Tiantan Hospital Stroke Symposium will be held in Beijing, China. www.t-isc.com/en/. JUN. 18–20 The 3rd International Conference on Intracranial Atherosclerosis will be held at the Grand Intercontinental Hotel Seoul, Korea. tel 82-2-3452-7167; fax 82-2-521-8683; icas2008@insession.co.kr; www.icas2008.or.kr. JUN. 18–22 The 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences will be held in Berlin, … ER -