TY - T1的颈动脉斑块,亚临床血管事件的前兆JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1200 LP - 1207 - 10.1212/01. wnl.0000首页303969.63165.34六世70 - 14盟——t . Rundek AU - h . Arif AU - b . Boden-Albala AU - m . s .艾尔金德AU - m . c . Paik盟r . l . Y1 - 2008/04/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/70/14/1200.abstract N2的焦点在于背景:颈动脉粥样硬化是一种已知的生物标志物与未来血管疾病有关。风险小,nonstenotic颈动脉斑块尚不明朗。本研究的目的是检查最大颈动脉斑块厚度之间的关系和风险的血管事件在一个城市多民族群体。方法:曼哈顿北部的一部分人群为基础的研究中,2189例颈动脉斑块进行了分析。最大颈动脉斑块厚度在截止1.9毫米水平评估,一个指定值75的斑块厚度分布。主要结果测量指标是结合血管事件(缺血性中风、心肌梗死或血管性死亡)。结果:颈动脉斑块是出现在1263年(58%)。经过平均6.9年的随访中,血管事件发生在319年主题;121有致命或非致命的缺血性中风,118有致命或非致死性心肌梗死和166年死于血管原因。受试者最大颈动脉斑块厚度大于1.9毫米的风险增加2.8倍结合血管事件相比,受试者没有颈动脉斑块(风险比,2.80; 95% CI, 2.04–3.84). In fully adjusted models, this association was significant only among Hispanics. Approximately 44% of the low-risk individuals by Framingham risk score had a 10-year vascular risk of 18.3% if having carotid plaque. Conclusions: Maximum carotid plaque thickness is a simple and noninvasive marker of subclinical atherosclerosis associated with increased risk of vascular outcomes in a multiethnic cohort. Maximum carotid plaque thickness may be a simple and nonexpensive tool to assist with vascular risk stratification in preventive strategies and a surrogate endpoint in clinical trials. ARIC=Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; FRS=Framingham risk score; IMT=intima-media thickness; MCPT=maximum carotid plaque thickness; MI=myocardial infarct; NOMAS=Northern Manhattan Study. ER -