TY - T1的局部癫痫患儿的预后JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 655 LP - 659 - 10.1212/01. wn首页l.0000255942.25101.8d六世68 - 9盟——w·d·盖拉德AU - s·温斯坦盟- j . Conry AU - p l .珍珠AU - s Fazilat AU - s Fazilat AU - l . g . Vezina AU - p . Reeves-Tyer盟w·h·西奥多Y1 - 2007/02/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/68/9/655.abstract N2 -目的:研究脑葡萄糖代谢的进化部分儿童癫痫发作后,及其与临床的关系变量。方法:38儿童3.4±。8 18正子扫描超过3.0±1.3年开始后一年内第三次无缘无故的部分发作。分析了18正与一个地区的兴趣模板测量代谢正常化12成对解剖区域。扫描绝对不对称指数AI | |,大于0.13在至少一个除了小脑皮质区域被认为是异常。标准临床T1和t2加权MRI (1.5 T)扫描。结果:患者初始正常宠物(n = 28)更有可能保持良好癫痫控制比异常初始宠物。患者最初正常PET扫描,异常第一PET扫描前癫痫持续时间较长,但不是大发作频率,比那些宠物总是正常。没有证据表明代谢减退的进展。患者短时间自去年发作和癫痫发作频率高的人更容易有异常的PET扫描。 Six of the seven patients whose PET scans were always abnormal had poor seizure control. Febrile seizure history did not affect PET findings. MRI was strongly predictive of initial PET results (χ2 = 13.1; p < 0.02) but did not predict fluctuation hypometabolism. A model combining MRI and initial PET was strongly predictive of clinical course. Conclusions: Initial imaging studies can help predict clinical course for children who have had at least three partial seizures. Serial FDG-PET is affected by seizure frequency and time since last seizure. ER -