作者@article {VellasS6 = {B。维拉拉和s·p . j . Ousset和m . Ouzid h . Mathiex-Fortunet} ={},编辑标题= {GuidAge研究},体积={67}={,85 9},页面= {S6, S11} = {2006}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL.67.9_suppl_3。出版商S6} = {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景:预防方法领域的阿尔茨海默病(AD)是重要,但这些试验带来很多问题。首页应该学习哪些防护因素?人口应该研究什么?主要和次要标准?我们这里现在正在进行的设计GuidAge研究。在过去,一些研究显示,银杏叶有潜在好处对认知功能的影响。GuidAge研究的目的是评估240 mg / d的银杏叶提取物的功效761 {\ textregistered}预防的广告。方法:GuidAge是5双盲随机试验在法国进行的私人诊所/医院网络全科医生和医院从业人员专门从事记忆障碍。 This study enrolled elderly subjects with spontaneous memory complaint and the primary outcome is the incidence of AD during a 5 years follow-up period. A total of 2854 subjects were enrolled between March 2002 and September 2004. The age of the study population was 76.8 {\textpm} 4.4 with mean MMSE at entry 27.8 {\textpm} 1.7. Conclusion: The GuidAge study is the largest study carried out in Europe on the prevention of AD. Final results should be available in 2010.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/67/9_suppl_3/S6}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }