TY - T1的帕金森病的症状缓解safinamide JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S24 LP - S29做- 10.1212 /首页 WNL.67.7_suppl_2。S24六世- 67 - 7 5 2 AU - f . Stocchi盟- l . Vacca AU - p . Grassini盟m . f . De Pandis AU - g·巴塔利亚盟- c均非盟- r . g . Fariello Y1 - 2006/10/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/67/7_sup首页pl_2/S24.abstract N2 -在一个开放的试点研究,剂量的safinamide(100、150和200毫克一天一次,高于先前测试)13帕金森病人管理和稳定剂量的多巴胺(DA)受体激动剂,导致一个重要的进步改善电机性能评估的统一帕金森病评定量表(UPDRS)第三部分超过8周时间(4.2分;P < 0.001). In association with levodopa, the same doses of safinamide in another group of patients (N = 11) induced a significant decrease in motor fluctuations (UPDRS part IV, 2.1 points; P < 0.001), accompanied by a dose-proportional increase of the levodopa AUC, up to 77% from baseline. Because MAO-B was fully inhibited (95%) at all doses tested, we suggest that these biochemical and symptomatic dose-dependent effects must be related to additional mechanisms of action, such as inhibition of glutamate release, increased dopamine release, or inhibition of dopamine re-uptake. These hypotheses are under investigation and will pursue confirmation in controlled clinical trials. ER -