TY - T1的日间极度嗜睡在帕金森病JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 853 LP - 858 - 10.1212/01. wnl.00首页00233980.25978.9d六世- 67 - 5是AU - m . d . Gjerstad盟- g·阿尔维斯盟- t . Wentzel-Larsen AU - d . Aarsland AU - j·p·拉森Y1 - 2006/09/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/67/5/853.abstract N2 -目的:检查相关的人口和临床相关的发展日间极度嗜睡(EDS) / 8年以社区为基础的帕金森病(PD)患者。方法:232例PD患者纳入1993年患病率以人群为基础的研究。患者随访4和8年后前瞻性并进行了复查。研究访问,作者进行半结构式访谈获得临床和人口统计变量的信息。标准化等级量表的帕金森症、抑郁症和认知障碍。EDS的诊断是基于一个睡眠问卷调查和2001年埃普沃思嗜睡量表。平均值逻辑回归模型对相关数据进行研究EDS和各种人口和临床变量之间的关系。结果:基线,包括232名患者的138用于重新评估后4年,89例经过8年。频率EDS的比例从1993年的5.6%增加到1997年的22.5%和2001年的40.8%,8年患病率为54.2%。在大多数患者中,EDS是一个持久的特性。 In the logistic regression model, EDS was related to age, gender, and use of dopamine agonists. In those never having used dopamine agonists, hypersomnia was associated with the Hoehn and Yahr stage only. Conclusion: Excessive daytime sleepiness is a frequent and highly persistent feature in Parkinson disease, with multifactorial underlying pathophysiology. The authors' findings indicate that both age and disease related disturbances of the sleep-wake regulation contribute to hypersomnia in PD. Treatment with dopamine agonists also contributed to excessive daytime sleepiness in our patients. ER -