TY -的T1 -可能的药物过度引起的头痛JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1894 LP - 1898做wnl首页.0000217914.30994 10.1212/01.。bd六世- 66 - 12非盟-彼得Zeeberg盟Jes奥尔森盟Rigmor Jensen Y1 - 2006/06/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/66/1首页2/1894.abstract N2 -目的:描述新兴的头痛频率两个月后无毒周期患者的药物过度使用。方法:所有患者和丹麦解除头痛中心在2002年和2003年前瞻性填写一个诊断头痛日记每天。可能的药物过度引起的头痛患者(卫生部),作者决定头痛频率前后药物撤出这些潜在的录音。结果:1326例患者中,337年可能的卫生部。二百一十六年加入待了2个月的患者都有资格。总体而言,45%的患者改善,48%没有改变,7%有更多的麻烦。平均年龄是48年,男女比例1:2.7。相对减少头痛的偏头痛频率平均减少了67%的差异很大,紧张性头痛(t)的0%,37%患者偏头痛和t (MT)。Comparing the diagnostic groups, the relative reduction in frequency differed between migraine and TTH (p < 0.001) and between MT and TTH (p < 0.01). Triptan/ergot overusers improved the most (p < 0.0001). The difference between MT and TTH remained significant when triptan/ergot overuse was controlled (p < 0.05). Conclusion: These data demonstrate the benefit of withdrawal in already established medication overuse and support the existence of medication-overuse headache as a clinical entity. ER -