TY -的T1 -日历JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 首页27 LP - 28 - 10.1212 / WNL.66.2.27A六世- 66 - 2 A2, Y1 - 2006/01/24 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/66/2/27A.abstract N2 - 1月26 - 27日第五届双年展平衡中心研讨会”,“前庭和平衡障碍的进步,”巴罗神经学研究所举行在凤凰城,阿兹。信息:专业教育办公室(电话号码:602-406-3067;网站:www.thebarrow.com/conferences)。1月每股26到29第六届亚洲神经外科医生被君悦酒店举行会议,孟买,印度。信息:巴桑特节k . Misra神经外科(电话号码:00-91-22-24447204;传真:00-91-22-24440425;电子邮件:asianconf2006@rediffmail.com;网站:www.acns2006.org)。2月3 - 5日国际国会步态和心智功能将在马德里,西班牙。信息:国际大会在步态和心智功能(添加:肯国际,17岁,Cendrier街,邮政信箱1726,ch - 1211年日内瓦1,瑞士;电话号码:41-22-908-0488; fax: 41-22-732-2850; e-mail: gait@kenes.com; web: www.kenes.com/gait). Feb. 8–10 Three-day Fellowship in Transcranial Doppler and Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring is being offered by the UCLA Division of Neurosurgery. CME credits are available. Information: Neil Martin, MD, UCLA Cerebral Blood Flow Laboratory (add: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Box 957039, Los Angeles, CA 90095-7039; tel: 310-206-0626; fax: 310-794-2147; web: www.neurosurgery.ucla.edu/cbf) Feb. 8–11 The 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Neurology and the 7th Cairo International Neurology Conference (CNC), hosted by the Egyptian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, will be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Information: www.medneuro.com Feb. 14–18 The 19th Annual Practicing Physician’s Approach to the Difficult Headache Patient will be held at Marriott’s Las Palmas Resort and Country Club in Rancho Mirage, CA. It has been approved for 30 category 1 credits if taken with the 3rd Annual Headache Research Summit. Information: (tel: … ER -