TY - T1的基因转移的营养因素和干细胞移植治疗帕金森病的JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S89 LP -算是做- 10.1212 / WNL.66.10_suppl_4。首页S89六世- 66 - 10 5 4盟Biplob Dass盟盟——杰弗里·h·c·华伦·奥兰诺Kordower Y1 - 2006/05/23 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/66/10_suppl_4首页/S89.abstract N2 -目前治疗帕金森病(PD)是有限的能力来控制PD症状,伴随的运动和精神的副作用,不会阻止疾病进展。大量的科学和媒体的兴趣都集中在基因和干细胞疗法的潜在价值,以克服这些问题。提高PD患者的生活质量。基因疗法利用病毒载体提供感兴趣的蛋白质特定的大脑区域。基因治疗的临床试验目前正在使用腺相关病毒提供AADC纹状体,营养因素nurturin纹状体,和STN迦得。到目前为止,没有注意到严重副作用,但只有少数的病人了。干细胞是多能细胞,提供生成的潜力无限数量的优化多巴胺细胞移植。干细胞生长和扩展在组织培养诱导分化成多巴胺神经细胞表型。这些细胞移植到纹状体注射与行为改善6-OHDA啮齿动物和MPTP药物猴子。不过,只有少量的多巴胺能细胞移植能够生存,好处是适度的。 Clinical trials in PD have not yet been performed. There is considerable enthusiasm for the potential of these procedures, but there remains much to learn in the laboratory and neither has been established to be effective as a treatment for PD. Long term safety and efficacy trials have not been performed in PD patients and the potential of unanticipated side effects must be addressed. Further, neither treatment is expected to improve the non-dopaminergic features of PD. ER -