@article {PalmaP5.318作者= {Jose-Alberto帕尔马何塞·马丁内斯和米格尔·佩雷斯霍雷肖Kaufmann}, title ={预测响应droxidopa神经源性直立性低血压患者(P5.318)},体积={88}={16}补充数量,elocation-id = {P5.318} ={2017},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:定义哪些因素预测加压反应droxidopa神经源性直立性低血压患者(能剧)。首页背景:Droxidopa合成去甲肾上腺素前体,最近被批准治疗有症状的能剧。引起加压反应所需的剂量是可变的。它是未知因素预测droxidopa加压反应的大小。设计/方法:前瞻性评价BP应对增加剂量的患者droxidopa能剧。BP仰卧位和后3分钟站测量之前和100毫克的口头droxidopa后小时。剂量逐渐增加,直到我)完全缓解症状,2)仰卧位收缩压\ > 180毫米汞柱,3)发生副作用,或iv)剂量600毫克。结果:16个受试者能剧(6与帕金森病5纯自主失败拥堵,3与自身免疫性自主ganglionopathy亚美大陆煤层气有限公司,与多个系统萎缩)和2都包括在内。意味着英国石油(BP)是126年{\ textpm} {\ textpm} 11 28/72 19/53毫米汞柱仰卧位和89 {\ textpm} {\ textpm} 15毫米汞柱后3分钟站(37/18毫米汞柱的下降)。意思是血浆去甲肾上腺素仰卧位192 {\ textpm} 216 pg / ml。最大droxidopa剂量是212 {\ textpm} 102毫克(范围:100 {\ textendash} 400毫克)。 Droxidopa increased BP to 148{\textpm}53/90{\textpm}13 mmHg supine and 135{\textpm}38/66{\textpm}16 mmHg after 3-min standing (p\<0.001). Plasma norepinephrine levels were inversely correlated with higher systolic BP after-3 min standing following droxidopa treatment (R2=0.42; p=0.023). Four patients (3 with AAG, 1 with PAF) with very low plasma norepinephrine levels (\<90 pg/ml) experienced transient nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain during titration with dosages of 200 mg. In these patients, treatment with 100 mg/day was effective and well tolerated. Diagnosis did not predict response to droxidopa.Conclusions: Lower plasma norepinephrine levels are associated with a greater pressor response to droxidopa in nOH. This response is probably related to the degree of denervation supersensitivity. Norepinephrine levels may be useful to predict appropriate dosing of droxidopa in the clinical setting.Study Supported by: Dysautonomia Foundation, Inc.Disclosure: Dr. Palma has received personal compensation for activities with Lunbeck as a speaker and advisor. Dr. Martinez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Perez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kaufmann received personal compensation from Lundbeck and Astra Zeneca for his membership on Scientific Advisory Board.. Dr. Kaufmann received personal compensation from Springer for serving as editor in Chief of Clinical Autonomic Research.. Dr. Kaufmann received support for conducting clinical trials of Droxidopa for Chelsea Therapeutics..}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P5.318}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }