TY - T1的预测钆增强医学患者随机临床试验资格地位JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1447 LP - 1454——10.1212/01. wnl.0000183149.87975.32六世- 65 - 9 AU - f . 首页Barkhof AU -美国非盟举行- j·h·西蒙AU - m·多姆盟- f·法泽卡斯AU - m .菲利皮主持非盟- j·a·弗兰克AU - l .卡波斯盟- d·李盟- s Menzler AU - d·h·米勒盟- j . Petkau AU - j . Wolinsky A2 - Y1 - 2005/11/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/65/9/1447.abstract N2 -背景:钆增强通常用于随机临床试验评价新药的功效在多发性硬化症(MS)。知识的预测因子增强状态是重要的选择的患者MRI监测试验。方法:17试验的数据可用以匿名形式通过西尔维娅Lawry女士研究中心。在一个开放的一部分包含1328(非主进步)病人,两个逻辑回归分析进行了探讨,包括人口统计学、临床和MRI预测。作者研究了曲线下的面积(AUC)和增加的阳性预测值(PPV)。模型验证的最终选择在一个封闭的848比较患者的一部分。结果:发病年龄、疾病持续时间、和疾病过程(CIS / RR / SP)是重要的预测因素的多变量模型。Further, a multivariate model including T2 burden of disease was more predictive than one with only clinical predictors (AUC 0.719 vs 0.625, p < 0.001). For the model with T2 burden of disease, the PPV was 66.8%, compared to 58.5% for the model without (a priori chance 46.4%). These findings were unequivocally confirmed in the closed part of the database.Conclusion: Gadolinium status can be predicted by a set of baseline variables, certainly when T2 burden of disease is included. These findings may benefit the design and statistical power of future randomized clinical trials. ER -