TY -的T1高比容与减少再灌注和组织生存在急性中风JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1382 LP - 1387——10.1212/01. wnl.0000183057.96792。首页a8六世- 65 - 9盟- l . e . Allport AU - m·w·帕森斯盟k . s .屠夫AU - l·麦格雷戈AU - p·m·德斯蒙德盟- b . m .发辫AU - s·m·戴维斯Y1 - 2005/11/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/65/9/1382.abstract N2 -首页背景:红细胞比容(Hct)有助于血液粘度升高,在急性中风有不利影响。作者调查Hct的影响在使用串行MRI在急性中风患者组织的命运。方法:在再灌注Hct的影响,界限不明的救助,梗塞扩张64例发病24小时内的测量。MRI是在基线(& lt; 24小时),天3 - 5,并从中风发病90天。结果:平均Hct 42%双峰分布。有一个强烈的逆关系Hct和再灌注(斯皮尔曼ρ=−0.74,p & lt;0.0001)。主要的几率再灌注(在50%基线perfusion-weighted成像的分辨率赤字)显著降低了增加Hct(优势比[或]= 0.53;95% CI = 0.97 - 1.00),独立于年龄、灌注、扩散损伤卷和重组组织纤溶酶原激活物(rtPA)管理。有一个趋势减少界限不明的救助在天3 - 5增加Hct (p = 0.06, 95% CI =−4.76到0.14)。 An increasing Hct was a significant predictor of infarct growth (OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.00 to 1.59), independent of baseline perfusion and diffusion volumes and glucose. The effect of Hct on reperfusion and infarct expansion was similar irrespective of rtPA administration (p = 0.31) and independent of smoking status.Conclusions: Higher hematocrit (Hct) values have a significant independent association with reduced reperfusion and greater infarct size after ischemic stroke. An elevated Hct may also be a potential physiologic determinant of reduced penumbral salvage. ER -