% 0期刊文章% s·m·阿尔伯特% j·g·Rabkin % m . l . Del的野猪% T .潮% i O ' sullivan % l·p·罗兰% h . Mitsumoto % T希望死在终末期ALS % D R 10.1212/01. wnl.0000168161.54833 2005%。bb % J首页神经病学% P 68 - 74 V % 65% 1% N X背景:在回顾性研究,加速死亡重病患者的估计范围从< 2%在一个全国性调查在终末期疾病人群高达20%。目的:考察,在前瞻性研究,垂死病人死前的几个月里,为了理解希望死去。方法:先进的ALS患者死亡或需要气管造口术的可能性高的6个月内被确定。患者每月评估一个广泛的社会心理访谈,包括抑郁症的诊断访谈。家庭照顾者在同一个访谈计划也在病人死亡。结果:八十例ALS患者,63%的符合条件的患者;53在后续去世。10(18.9%)的53个表示希望死去,和3(5.7%)加速死亡。病人表达了想死没有在社会人口特征差异,ALS的严重性,或者认为家庭照顾者的负担。 They were more likely to meet criteria for depression, but differences were smaller when suicidality was excluded from the depression interview. Patients who expressed the wish to die reported less optimism, less comfort in religion, and greater hopelessness. Compared with patients unable to act on the wish to die, patients who hastened dying reported reduction in suffering and increased perception of control over the disease in the final weeks of life. Conclusion: These findings suggest caution in concluding that the desire to hasten dying in end-stage disease is simply a feature of depression. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/65/1/68.full.pdf