PT -期刊文章盟w·w·鲍尔斯利盟——a . m . AU - b·l·米勒盟m . l . Gorno-Tempini AU - j·h·克雷默盟- m·维纳盟- h·j·罗森TI -颞额颞叶痴呆变体援助的自然历史- 10.1212/01. wnl.0000158425.46019.5c DP - 2005年4月26日第六TA -神经病学PG - 1384 - 1390 - 64 IP - 8 4099 - // 4100 - http://n.neurology.首页org/content/64/8/1384.full所以Neurology2005 4月26日;64 AB -背景:颞额颞叶痴呆的变体(tvFTD)功能不对称的前颞/杏仁核变性以及腹内侧前额岛,inferoposterior时间参与。左颞萎缩与语义知识的损失,而行为症状主导右颞变体。摘要目的:探讨第一症状和随后的时机左和右tvFTD患者症状。方法:26例tvFTD患者确认。6有正确的祝辞左颞叶萎缩(右颞叶变种[RTLV]),并与6可比左比;右颞萎缩(左颞叶变种[LTLV])。综述了临床记录年表来生成个性化的症状。结果:所有的患者,首先症状涉及语义(LTLV 4/6, 1/6 RTLV)、行为(4/6 RTLV LTLV 1/6),或两者兼而有之(1 LTLV, 1 RTLV)。 Semantic loss began with anomia, word-finding difficulties, and repetitive speech, whereas the early behavioral syndrome was characterized by emotional distance, irritability, and disruption of physiologic drives (sleep, appetite, libido). After an average of 3 years, patients developed whichever of the two initial syndromes—semantic or behavioral—that they lacked at onset. A third stage, 5 to 7 years from onset, saw the emergence of disinhibition, compulsions, impaired face recognition, altered food preference, and weight gain. Compulsions in LTLV were directed toward visual, nonverbal stimuli, whereas patients with RTLV were drawn to games with words and symbols. Conclusions: The temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia follows a characteristic cognitive and behavioral progression that suggests early spread from one anterior temporal lobe to the other. Later symptoms implicate ventromedial frontal, insular, and inferoposterior temporal regions, but their precise anatomic correlates await confirmation.