RT期刊文章SR电子T1效果如何是BCNU复发胶质母细胞瘤在现代?摩根富首页林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 1281 OP 1284做wnl.0000140495.33615 10.1212/01.。CA 63签证官是7 A1。A . Brandes A1。Tosoni A1 p Amista A1 l . Nicolardi A1 d·格罗索A1 F。伯迪A1 m . Ermani年2004 UL http://n.neurol首页ogy.org/content/63/7/1281.abstract AB背景:最初的研究亚硝基脲进行> 30年前。这些药物仍然胶质母细胞瘤的标准化疗。然而,由于亚硝基脲的标准用来评估活动在neuro-oncologic环境已经改变,新的数据在他们的活动是必要的。方法:作者进行了一项II期研究40例手术后复发胶质母细胞瘤和标准的放射治疗。他们在6个月无进展生存分析(PFS-6)、时间(TTP)进展,反应率和毒性。病人服用80 mg / m2卡莫司汀天1到3,每8周最多6个周期。 Results: Median TTP was 13.3 weeks (95% CI, 10.26 to 16.86 weeks), and PFS-6 was 17.5% (95% CI, 8.9 to 34.3). Response to chemotherapy, age ≤40 years, and performance status ≥90 were significant prognostic factors for TTP; however, with multivariate analysis, only response to chemotherapy was significant. The major side effects were reversible hematologic and long-lasting hepatic and pulmonary toxicity. Conclusion: The activity of this BCNU regimen is comparable with that reported in the past and with the newest therapies, such as temozolomide. However, BCNU toxicity is high and recovery is slow, thus compromising the administration of further drugs in patients with progressive disease.