TY - T1的男性睾丸激素改善空间记忆与阿尔茨海默病和轻度认知障碍JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 2063 LP - 2068——10.1212/01. wnl.0000165995.98986。首页F1六世- 64 - 12盟- m . m .樱桃盟——a . m .松本盟——j·k·Amory盟-美国就是为了AU - w . Bremner AU - e . r . Peskind AU - m·a·Raskind盟美国工艺Y1 - 2005/06/28 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/64/12/2063.abstract N2 首页-目的:确定补充睾酮(T)的疗效在样本的男性认知与阿尔茨海默病(AD)或轻度认知障碍(MCI)。方法:15例AD和17岁的MCI患者63到85年完成了一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究。19参与者收到每周的肌内注射(IM) 100毫克T enanthate和13个参与者收到每周注射安慰剂(生理盐水)6周。认知神经心理学测试进行的评估使用电池基线,星期3,星期6治疗6周后,再一次惨败。结果:血清T水平总峰值从基线在积极治疗组平均295%。Improvements in spatial memory (p < 0.05) and constructional abilities (p < 0.05) and verbal memory were evident in the T group. No changes were noted for selective and divided attention or language. Prostate specific antigen did not significantly change during this brief treatment.Conclusion: Testosterone supplementation may benefit selective cognitive functions in men with Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment. ER -