作者@article {Scarmeas975 = {N。斯卡尔米斯和通用Hadjigeorgiou a Papadimitriou b·杜布瓦和m . Sarazin布兰德和j·m·艾伯特和k·马德尔k·贝尔和l . s .韩起澜和d Wegesin和y船尾},title ={汽车标志在阿尔茨海默病},体积={63}={6},页面= {975 - 982}= {2004},doi = {10.1212/01. wnl.0000138440.39918.0c},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景:电动机(莫西人)是常见的迹象在阿尔茨海默病(AD)和可能与利率有关的认知能力下降,死亡率,和成本的关心。首页目的:描述个体莫西人的进展和识别预测广告。方法:一群474 AD患者在早期阶段之后每半年长达13.1年(平均3.6年)五个中心在欧洲和美国。莫西人被评为使用标准化的部分统一帕金森{\ textquoteright}年代疾病评定量表。总的来说,3030人次/评估莫西人(平均6.4 /病人)进行。患病率和发病率计算,累积的风险图绘制的个人non-drug-induced莫西人域。率随时间变化考虑潜在的协变量也估计。使用结果的每个莫西人域Cox模型,确定莫西人发病率预测因素。结果:至少一个莫西人中检测出13 \ %的患者在第一次考试和36 \ %最后评估。莫西人总分的年率增加3 \ %的总得分。 Rates of annual change for speech/facial expression (4\%), rigidity (2.45\%), posture/gait (3.9\%), and bradykinesia (3.75\%) were of similar magnitude, and their occurrence increased from first (3 to 6\%) to last (22 to 29\%) evaluation. Tremor was less frequent throughout the course of the disease (4\% at first and 7\% at last evaluation) and worsened less (0.75\% increase/year).Conclusions: Most motor signs occur frequently and progress rapidly in Alzheimer disease. Tremor is an exception in that it occurs less frequently and advances at slower rates.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/63/6/975}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/63/6/975.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }