TY -的T1 -日历JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 首页17 LP - 18 - 10.1212 / WNL.63.6.17A六世- 63 - 6 A2, Y1 - 2004/09/28 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/63/6/17A.abstract N2 - 9月29-Oct。2 2004年年度会议的美国脑瘫和发展医学学院将在洛杉矶举行,CA。信息:电话:847-698-1635;互联网:www.aacpdm.org;电子邮件:Raymond@aaos.org.Oct。3-6The美国神经学会第129届会议将在喜来登中心举行,多伦多,加拿大。信息:安娜,5841年雪松湖路,Ste 204,明尼阿波利斯,MN 55416(电话号码:952-545-6284;传真:952-545-6073;互联网:www.aneuroa.org) .Oct。5-8The 8日将举行国际研讨会诱发电位在福冈国际在福冈国会中心,日本。信息:博士Naoki赤松(电子邮件:ieps8@mbox.med.uoeh-u.ac.jp; internet: www.ieps8.com).Oct. 7–10The Eighth Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology will be held at the Hotel Taj Palace in New Delhi,India. Deadline for abstracts: May 1, 2004. Information: Prof. Veena Kalra (tel: 26593209 or 26594424; e-mail: kalra@8thaoccn2004.com; internet: www.8thaoccn2004.com).Oct. 8–10Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists will be held at The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, for 24 category 1 CME credits. Information: tel: 718-920-6676; internet: www.cnfp.org.Oct. 9Epilepsy Update 2004, sponsored by Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine, will be held in downtown Chicago. The course is approved for 8 hours category 1 CME credits. Information: Continuing Medical Education office (800-424-4850), internet (www.lumc.edu/cme).Oct. 24–27Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease will be held in Salzburg, Austria. Information: Prof. Amos D. Korczyn (tel: 972-3-6974229; fax: 972-3-6409113; e-mail: … ER -