TY - T1的复议TIA的诊断标准JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S20 LP - S21做- 10.1212 / WN首页L.62.8_suppl_6。S20六世- 62 - 8 5 6盟-大卫·g·谢尔曼Y1 - 2004/04/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/首页62/8_suppl_6/S20.abstract N2 -因为各种各样的原因,有人建议,TIA被重新审议的传统定义。任何全面复议TIA的诊断标准可能会引起的问题比解决的问题多。我们需要一个新的TIA的定义吗?它会改变临床实践,如果我们有一个吗?有特点的脑细胞死亡,会影响病人的中风的后续风险?有特点,让临床医生准确地或很容易地确定病人的TIA的机制?有神经影像学特征应该被纳入一个定义吗?特性,比如时间、时间、强度、频率或攻击重要?和为谁是重新定义:神经学家/调查员进行临床试验,初级保健医生做出诊断,或躺的人需要决定在出现症状,采取什么行动? Clearly, the answers to such questions will influence the process by which any redefinition is reached. Why might a new definition make a difference? True TIAs, those that are related to focal ischemia, will trigger a variety of diagnostic studies for stroke risk factors. Patients with “mimic” TIAs may undergo inappropriate, often expensive, and sometimes risky tests. Mimic TIAs can be due to causes ranging from migraine, hypoglycemia, ocular disorders, and partial seizure to neuropathy, peripheral … ER -