TY -的T1 -国际通讯JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 25 LP - 26 - 1首页0.1212 / WNL.59.4.25A六世- 59 - 4盟——安东尼奥将精力Y1 - 2002/08/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/59/4/25A.abstract N2 -神经病学的实践的范围是在一个不断变化的状态中。像树栖树线在极地附近的地方,神经学的前沿发展和消退与环境温度一致,主导风,周期循环变化。首页但不像从森林苔原,神经病学的边界非常受到人工干预。首页鸟瞰世界的视角范围的实践显示了一个衣衫褴褛的景观非常不规则边界和一个令人惊讶的各种积极和消极的力量。什么是最先进的神经病学实践在一个国家可能被认为是另首页一个不同的专业。在英国和西班牙(和其他国家),神经学和临床神经生理学是独立的专业。首页在中美洲,神经学神经外科医生定期练习。首页世界卫生组织出版物中风描绘心血管疾病,而不是一个神经。一个实践的范围的问题最近来到我的注意。儿童神经病学首页神经学家在许多国家的省。 Moreover, in some countries child neurology has not yet achieved the recognition taken for granted in the United States. Italy is an example. In 2000, the Italian University Committee transferred child neurology from a subspecialty of pediatrics to child neuropsychiatry. The Committee based its action on the international and academic stature acquired by Italian child neuropsychiatry over decades of growth. Although limited to the academic setting, the move complicated a situation that was already unclear. Historically, child neurology in Italy had its roots mainly in pediatrics. With a population of 10 million under the age of 18 years, the specialty of pediatrics and its subspecialties are important to the nation. Modern Italian child neurology was founded by Alberto Fois along with other pediatricians in the 1960s. The event occurred in the … ER -