PT -期刊文章盟罗伯特韦氏AU -罗德尼Radtke盟Kenneth宽松的非盟-尤金Trinka AU -马里亚纳维埃拉盟琼娜Moreira AU -弗朗西斯科罗查盟海龙程AU -托德·格林奈尔非盟-大卫·布卢姆TI -分析血浆钠水平的变化及相关治疗诱发不良事件在短期和长期使用的醋酸Eslicarbazepine辅助和单一疗法(P4.105) DP - 2017年4月18日TA -神经病学PG - P4.105 VI - 88 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2017 4月18日;首页88 AB -目的:调查的影响eslicarbazepine醋酸钠(ESL)等离子体水平和hyponatremia-related治疗诱发的不良事件的发生率(流泪)。背景:英语每日一口服抗癫痫药物(AED)治疗部分性癫痫(POS)。英语属于dibenzazepine酰胺类的假定的电压门控钠通道阻滞剂,使用与低钠血症有关。设计/方法:等离子体钠水平和流泪的ESL III期试验中评估难以POS:三个尽早试验(2093 - 301、-302、-304)的双盲辅助英语或安慰剂与基线(aed);两个dose-blind 18-week conversion-to-monotherapy试验(093 - 045,-046);和开放的扩展(ole;研究301/302,045/046[093 - 050])也允许灵活的剂量。结果:控制分析人口由1812名患者;913年延续到ol。临床上有意义的最小post-dose钠含量(≤125毫克当量/ L)据报道11例(1.1%)病人服用辅助ESL和12(3.3%)采取ESL单药治疗的对照试验,和17例(1.9%)患者在不受控制的ol。血浆钠水平下降了在10毫克当量/ L之间的基线和结束的研究& lt; 10%的患者服用辅助英语或英语单方控制和不受控制的试验。 In the controlled trials, the TEAE ‘hyponatremia’ was reported in 17 patients (1.7%) taking adjunctive ESL and 15 (4.1%) taking ESL monotherapy; incidences appeared to be dose-related. Hyponatremia symptoms were more frequent in patients with sodium levels <130 mEq/L.Conclusions: Reductions in sodium levels and hyponatremia-related TEAEs were reported for some patients taking ESL. Monitoring of plasma sodium levels should therefore be considered during ESL treatment, particularly for patients with symptoms of hyponatremia, or for those receiving other medications known to reduce plasma sodium.Study Supported by: Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc.Disclosure: Dr. Wechsler has received personal compensation for activities with Cyberonics, Eisai, Sunovion, Marinus, and Lundbeck. Dr. Radtke has received personal compensation for activities with Eisai, Lundbeck, Zynerba, and Sunovion as a scientific advisory board member. Dr. Laxer has received personal compensation for activities with UCB Pharma, Lundbeck, Sunovion, and Livanova for speaking and advisory board. Dr. Trinka has received personal compensation for activities Eisai, Ever Neuropharma, Novartis, Biogen Idec, Medtronics, Bial, GL Pharma, GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer, Suniovion, Actavis, UCB, Gerrot-Lannach, BIAL, and Takeda. Dr. Trinka has received research support from Biogen, Merchk, UCD, European Union, FWF österreichischer Fond with Wissenschaftsföderung, bundesministerium for Wissenschaft and Forschung. Dr. Vieira has received personal compensation for activities with Bial-Portela. Dr. Moreira has received personal compensation for activities with BIAL as an employee. Dr. Rocha has received personal compensation for activities with Bial - Portela & Cª as an employee. Dr. Rocha has received research support from Eisai, Marinus, Pfizer, Sunovion, and UCB Dr. Cheng has received personal compensation for activities with Sunovian Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as an employee. Dr. Grinnell has received personal compensation for activities with Sunovion Pharmaceuticals as an employee. Dr. Blum has received personal compensation for activities with Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. as an employee.