TY - T1的双边人类胎儿纹状体移植在亨廷顿氏舞蹈症JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 687 LP - 695 - 10.1212 / WNL.58.5.687六世- 58 - 首页5 AU - r·a·豪泽盟- s Furtado盟- c·r·西米洛AU - h . Delgado盟- s为非盟- s . Schwartz盟- d·斯科特盟-通用Nauert AU - e . Soety盟诉Sossi AU - d·a·霍尔特盟p . r . Sanberg盟——a·j·Stoessl盟——t·弗里曼Y1 - 2002/03/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/58/5/687.abstract N2 -背景:纹状体移植细胞已经被证明是为了生存,成长,建立传入和传出连接,提高行为迹象亨廷顿氏舞蹈症(HD)的动物模型。目的:评估可行性和安全性并提供初步信息的有效性两国在高清的人类胎儿纹状体移植。方法:七个症状患者基因确认高清双边立体定向移植后2到8个胎儿striata每侧两个过程。组织切割侧侧脑室的一半隆起的捐助者postconception 8到9周。受试者接受环孢霉素为6个月。结果:三个主题开发硬膜下出血(sdh)和两个必需手术引流。一个主题18个月手术后死于心律失常可能继发于严重的动脉粥样硬化性心脏病。尸检表明清楚地划定移植的典型的发展中纹状体形态、与host-derived多巴胺能纤维延伸到移植和免疫排斥反应的证据。其他不良事件通常轻度和短暂的。意思是统一高清评定量表(UHDRS)运动成绩在基线分别为32.9±6.2,29.7±7.5手术后12个月(p = 0.24)。 Post-hoc analysis, excluding one subject who experienced cognitive and motor deterioration after the development of symptomatic bilateral SDHs, found that UHDRS motor scores were 33.8 ± 6.2 at baseline and 27.5 ± 5.2 at 12 months (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Transplantation of human fetal striatal cells is feasible and survival of transplanted cells was demonstrated. Patients with moderately advanced HD are at risk for SDH after transplantation surgery. ER -