RT期刊文章SR电子T1面肌电信号特征提取中的应用从脑电图记录评价广义Tonic-Clonic发作符号学(P2.224)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P2.224 VO 88是16补充A1乔纳森·哈尔福德A1达蒙Cardenas A1卢克·惠特米尔A1穆卡A1迈克尔Giroua首页rd年2017 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P2.224.abstract AB目的:目的是为了比较surface-electromyography(表)信号电极放置在肱二头肌肌肉面肌工件记录脑电图电极在广义Tonic-Clonic癫痫(gtc)。背景:表面从肱二头肌EMG信号记录已经成功地使用自动化系统来检测吸收。如果面肌未知信号脑电图电极可用于吸收的自动检测。设计/方法:数据抽样的201名调查对象参加一项研究在接受常规临床护理11 NAEC IV级中心之一。Video-EEG录音是由三个独立评估委员会认证epileptologists确定吸收和定义的长度主音和阵挛性的阶段。自动化过程被用来确定主音的长度和阵挛性的阶段使用面肌和脑电图记录在事件。迄今为止,29名总会被记录,面肌和脑电图结果相比epileptologists六这些事件的结果。阵挛性的gtc发作的持续时间从信号振幅增加评估的范围30 - 60 hz,使用小波分析技术的特点。确定主音持续时间、总发作持续时间被量化使用基线信号的均方根和阵挛的发作时间减去总发作持续时间。统计显著性检验用配对t检验Bonferroni-Holme修正。结果:没有显著区别主音和阵挛性的阶段的持续时间在每个脑电图和肌电图信号,和独立的神经学家的评论。Conclusions: Generally, this shows that the EMG signal recorded in EEG may be as useful as that recorded in sEMG of the biceps muscle for quantifying GTC seizure phase durations. These results suggest that EMG artifact in EEG may be useful for assessing some aspects of seizure semiology and for automated detection of GTCS.Study Supported by: Brain Sentinel, Inc.Disclosure: Dr. Halford has received personal compensation for activities with Brain Sentinel, Acorda Therapeutics, Eisai Inc., UCB Pharma, Lundbeck Research USA, Inc., Validus Pharmaceuticals, and Upsher-Smith. Dr. Halford has received research support from Acorda Therapeutics, Eisai Inc., LCGH, GW Pharmaceuticals, Lundbeck Research USA, Inc., Optima Neurosciences, UCB Pharma, and the Epilepsy Study Consortium. Dr. Cardenas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Whitmire has received personal compensation for activities with Brain Sentinel as employee. Dr. Jose E. Cavazos has received personal compensation from Brain Sentinel as a Consultant. Dr. Girouard has received personal compensation for activities with Brain Sentinel as an employee.