TY -的T1 -十年随访新创的三种不同的初始治疗PD JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1687 LP - 1694 - 10.1212 / WNL.57.9.1687六世- 5首页7 - 9盟——a·j·李盟- r . Katzenschlager盟j . AU - y Ben-Shlomo A2, Y1 - 2001/11/13 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/57/9/1687.abstract N2 -背景:三种不同的初始药物的长期有效性政权早期患者,轻微的PD是评估PD研究小组的英国(PDRGUK)。1995年,司立吉林的审判是终止后一个临时的分析。方法:这是一个开放、随机试验。在1985年至1990年之间,782新创PD患者招募和随机三种治疗武器之一:左旋多巴和多巴脱羧酶抑制剂;左旋多巴脱羧酶抑制剂和司立吉林;或溴麦角环肽。主要终点是死亡、残疾和不良事件。使用意向处理分析。结果:死亡率没有显著差异溴麦角环肽和左旋多巴武器(风险比1.15 [95% CI 0.90, 1.47])。患者最初随机溴麦角环肽分数在后续有稍差的残疾。 This difference was significant during the first years. Patients in the bromocriptine arm returned to pretreatment disability levels one year earlier than those in the levodopa arm. Patients randomized to bromocriptine had a significantly lower incidence of dyskinesias than those randomized to levodopa (rate ratio 0.73 [95% CI 0.57, 0.93]). However, this difference was not significant when only moderate to severe dyskinesias were considered. Patients in the bromocriptine arm had slightly lower rates of dystonias and on-off fluctuations, but moderate and severe forms were equally frequent in both arms. Conclusion: Starting treatment with the dopamine agonist bromocriptine does not reduce mortality in PD. A slightly lower incidence of motor complications is achieved at the expense of significantly worse disability scores throughout the first years of therapy. ER -