TY -的T1与近端大血管闭塞的轻微中风前循环;足够静脉溶栓(P4.265) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 88 - 16补充SP - P4.2首页65 AU -哈里斯Kamal AU -穆罕默德Khaleeq Ahmad Kunal Vakharia盟盟————罗伯特·索耶,小非盟-侯赛因Shallwani盟Ashkan Mowla Y1 - 2017/04/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P4.265.abstract N2 -目的:评估结果的轻度急性缺血性中风(AIS)静脉内溶栓后颅内大血管闭塞近端(溶)背景:根据最近的5个随机对照试验的结果,美国心脏协会指南建议血管内血栓切除术对于AIS患者近端大容器遮挡的署等于或大于6。温和的赤字,患者的指导方针是模糊的由于缺乏坚实的证据。通常这样的患者出现低署和不采取机械血栓切除术,但随后在住院期间恶化。此外,血管再通的机会这样的遮挡与溶不是很高。。我们试图评估的结果,这样的病人在我们的综合中风中心。设计/方法:我们回顾了医学图表的所有患者署5或更低,有大血管闭塞近端前循环(ICA终点站,M1树干,近端M2分支)CT血管造影术的头,只有早期诊断治疗4.5小时内出现症状。我们根据他们的功能分层患者分成2组结果放电(改良Rankin范围0 - 2和3 - 6)。结果:19例符合标准。基线特征比较。共11例(58%)患者有利的结果(0 - 2夫人)放电而8(42%)很少有疗效夫人(3 - 6)。Conclusions: Despite the overall perception that this condition is benign, nearly half of our patients treated with IVT did not achieve independence on discharge. Our result suggest that potential need for endovascular treatment in such patients and designing a larger controlled study is recommended.Disclosure: Dr. Kamal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ahmed has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vakharia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sawyer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kamal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mowla has nothing to disclose. ER -