% 0期刊文章% m . Ikeda %一个k . Hokoishi % % N Maki A Nebu %一个立花% N . k .小森% k Shigenobu %一个R .时代% h田边% T日本血管性痴呆的患病率增加% B以社区为基础的流行病学研究% D R 10.1212 / 2001% WNL.57.5.839 % J神经病学% P 839 - 844 V % 57% N 5% X背景和目的:有人建议,有一个主要的区别在广告比血管性痴呆(VaD)日本和西方国家之间。首页确定特定类型社区老年痴呆的患病率从日本Nakayama社区,所有患者的痴呆疾病进行了CT扫描。方法:上门进行三相人口调查所有的人年龄在65岁及以上居住在国内流行天(1997年1月1日)。确定的情况下,1997年1月至1998年3月。这项研究包括精神采访;物理、神经和neuropsychologic考试;综合实验室检测;和头颅CT。公共卫生护士还采访了一位接近每个主题。痴呆的定义根据精神障碍的诊断与统计手册,第三edition-revised标准,广告根据国家研究所的神经和交际障碍和Stroke-Alzheimer病及相关疾病协会和VaD根据精神疾病诊断与统计手册第四版,加上信息从病人的神经历史和CT扫描。 Results: Of 1438 inhabitants, 1162 (81.0%) completed the protocol. The prevalence of dementia was 4.8%. Of the 60 subjects with dementia, 35% had AD, 47% had VaD, and 17% had dementia resulting from other causes. Conclusions: The prevalence of dementia was similar to previous reports, but, contrary to results of virtually all studies conducted in developed countries and those recently conducted in Japan, almost half of the cases in the present study appeared to have VaD with neuroradiologic confirmation. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/57/5/839.full.pdf