TY -的T1 -书评JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 824 首页LP - 825 - 10.1212 / WNL.56.6.824六世- 56 - 6非盟- John b . Selhorst Y1 2001/03/27 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/56/6/824.abstract N2 Neuro-ophthalmology第三患儿编辑乔尔·s·格拉泽,667页,费城,Lippincott威廉姆斯,威尔金斯,1999年115.00美元自1977年第一版的外观,这一直是一线工作,首选文本neuro-ophthalmology学员和实践者。对于初学者,历史上有重要章节。(编辑器的面貌出现在部分展示了考试,太)。一个单独的一章致力于特殊技巧受雇于neuro-ophthalmic考试。指令进行眼底检查可省略,然而,可能是因为这个文本也是出版的书信集》用的参考眼科医生(临床眼科,威廉·塔斯曼和爱德华·Jaeger eds)。深入讨论跟随在视觉和眼球运动的系统。章也致力于学生,轨道,儿科疾病,头痛、血管疾病,和前庭系统。功能性视力丧失是一种常见的临床问题,收到只有有限的注意力。努力保留以前版本的高质量。从四个因素在第一版14第二,现在20杰出的作家。 Ten ophthalmologists and eight neurologists provide important perspectives from the two disciplines and a resource of practical information for clinical use. One chapter, on the dizzy patient, has been added since the last edition. Over one third of the references are new. Illustrations and tables are instructive and numerous. Nonetheless, the length has been contained so that the text extends only to 667 pages.Neuro-ophthalmology is concisely written, authoritative, and generally comprehensive. General neurologists will find the book very useful for the diagnosis of a broad range of neuro-ophthalmologic disorders. Recommendations for management usually follow general guidelines. Suggestions for more definitive treatment are often terse, so the neurologist may need to seek alternative sources if additional … ER -