PT -期刊文章AU - h·纽豪斯盟- m·利奥波德盟- m·冯·Brevern盟- g·阿诺德盟- t . Lempert TI -偏头痛的相互关系,眩晕,和偏头痛的眩晕援助- 10.1212 / WNL.56.4.436 DP - 2001 TA -神经病学PG - 436——441年2月27日VI - 56 IP - 4 4099 - // 4100 首页- //所以Neurology2001 2月27日;56 AB -目的:评估患者偏头痛的眩晕症的患病率偏头痛和眩晕患者根据明确的诊断标准,提出了讨论。方法:作者从头晕诊所和200个连续的患者前瞻性评估200例偏头痛诊所为偏头痛的眩晕基于以下标准:1)前庭症状复发(旋转/位置性眩晕,其他虚幻的自我或物体运动,运动不耐受);2)偏头痛的标准国际头痛协会(IHS);3)至少一个下面的偏头痛的症状在至少两个令人眩晕的攻击:偏头痛的头痛、畏光,声音恐惧症,视觉或其他光环;4)其他原因排除了适当的调查。此外,作者比较了偏头痛患病率根据IHS标准眩晕临床组的性别和年龄对照组200骨科病人。Results: The prevalence of migraine according to the IHS criteria was higher in the dizziness clinic group (38%) compared with the age- and sex-matched control group (24%, p < 0.01). The prevalence of migrainous vertigo was 7% in the dizziness clinic group, and 9% in the migraine clinic group. In 15 of 33 patients with migrainous vertigo, vertigo was regularly associated with migrainous headache. In 16 patients, vertigo occurred both with and without headache, and in two patients headache and vertigo never occurred together. The duration of attacks varied from minutes to days. Conclusion: These results substantiate the epidemiologic association between migraine and vertigo and indicate that migrainous vertigo affects a significant proportion of patients both in dizziness and headache clinics.